Archive for the Cost Benefits Category

Geothermal Heat Pumps for Schools, Libraries and Hospitals: Big Paybacks

Geothermal Heat Pumps for Schools, Libraries and Hospitals: Big Paybacks

GeoTility Systems Corporation, a geothermal heat pump designer and installer located in Western Canada has developed a new compact drilling platform allowing them to retrofit older buildings with new geothermal heat pump systems. With trends toward green alternative energy sources many building and home owners are searching for green energy that can be installed in their long-standing structures. GeoTility's most recent project was at the Hotel Georgia in downtown Vancouver in which they used ...

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Geothermal Heating: A Lifetime Investment

Geothermal Heating: A Lifetime Investment

Installing a geothermal heat pump is a long-term investment for all your heating and cooling needs.  Although geothermal heat pump installation requires high up front costs, you will start seeing a return on your investment in just a few short years. How long will my geothermal heat pump last? The ground loop installed in your yard can be expected to last well over 50 years, at which time the piping or liquid may need to be replaced. The costly and destructive process of installing a grou ...

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